Office plants: what managers need to know

In a role such as an office manager or any similarly titled position, the responsibilities of employee wellness and workplace organization may fall on you. One way of ticking off both of those boxes is the simple task of introducing plants into a space. 

choosing plants office manager

Choosing the right plants for the office can sometimes fall on office managers.


How do managers choose the best plants for the office and make sure those office plants get taken care of? If you have little experience in this field of office design and plant care, the task, on top of all your other responsibilities, may seem daunting or arbitrary. 

But the benefits of office plants can be rewarding in more aspects than just workplace branding. Plants can offer a whole variety of employee benefits and are a low-cost way to elevate your office design. And as we’ve discussed before, wellness in the workplace can be boosted by offering employee benefits such as biophilic design

So what do office managers and HR employees need to know before choosing the best office plants for the workplace? Luckily, options such as renting indoor plants and having maintenance provided by plant experts exist – it’s what we do best! And with Plantclub’s subscription model, office managers can leave the office design to us. So, more than what we can do for you, what can plants accomplish in the workplace?


Benefits of office plants

In our previous articles we’ve dived deeper into how plants can promote workplace wellbeing and you can read more about it here. But just as a quick summary: 

  • Productivity. Studies show that introducing plants into a space can increase productivity by 15%. 

  • Air Quality. Indoor plants have the ability of dissolving workplace build-ups of  CO2 leading to healthier and happier brains. 

  • Plants relieve stress. By adding touches of nature and greenery into a space, cognitively people can feel calmer. 

  • Noise Absorption. Plants can fulfill office needs by separating the sounds and absorbing pesky noise pollution so that employees can keep their concentration. 

  • Workplace Branding. A green wall or good plant design can show potential clients and employees alike that your company pays attention to detail and has a strong image to represent. Plus, standing and climbing plants can act as natural barriers and replace gray cubicle walls. 

shopify employees in their office jungle

Plants in the office can contribute to employee wellness in an assortment of ways. Photo courtesy of Daria Scagliola.


What to know before adding plants to the workplace

Consider the space you’ll be bringing plants into. If you’re implementing biophilic design elements sans consultation, you’ll have to be aware of how live objects will interact with the space. Certain plants will thrive in bright indirect sunlight, while others may prefer low indirect light. Are there south-facing windows that would provide steady streams of light? Beyond the questions of whether the plants will thrive, you also have to consider which types of plants convey the branding you're going for. What does choosing a ficus lyrata over a monstera say?


Plants as a service

With Plantclub’s subscription model, plants are added to a space with all these considerations in mind. Plus, the responsibility of care and maintenance of the plants can be left up to our team of plant experts who will know exactly what your plants need. When you rent plants instead of buying, this also leaves the option for updates to your design. Tired of the way one plant fits the space or growing into a new office space? We can schedule an upgrade and keep your workplace fresh and up to date. 

man cares for plants

With subscription-based models, managers can leave plant design and care up to the experts.

Plant design has become an important part of interior design and employee wellness, and it’s a trend that’s here to stay. Not sure where to start? Plantclub helps managers incorporate greenery by looking after the plant design, installation and care. Learn more about our membership options provides you and your colleagues with the benefits of plants, wherever you work. Rent office plants and transform your space into a green oasis, with flexible monthly membership options to suit your size. Diversify your employee perks with a dedicated company store, where you can give green gifts and your team can buy plants for their home office. Book a time to chat with us today.


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